Nan Madol

Ze'ele Wikipiidiya
Nan Madol
ruins, archaeological site, artificial island
Native labelNan Madol Demese
CountryFederated States of Micronesia Demese
Capital ofSaudeleur dynasty Demese
Located in the administrative territorial entityMadolenihmw Demese
Coordinate location6°50′31″N 158°19′56″E Demese
Significant eventlist of World Heritage in Danger Demese
Heritage designationNational Register of Historic Places listed place, National Historic Landmark, World Heritage Site Demese
Official website Demese
World Heritage criteriaWorld Heritage selection criterion (i), World Heritage selection criterion (iii), World Heritage selection criterion (iv), World Heritage selection criterion (vi) Demese

Nan madol

Nan madol de la tiŋa n lɛm la 'Eastern' n de 'Island Pohnpei', n nyaa pa'asɛ 'Madolenihenw disitereki la n de Pohnpei bɔna 'Federated states Micronesia' bɔna 'Western Pacific ocean' la paua la.

Nan Madol n yuum de tinkãtɛ n boi 'Saudeleur dynasty' n boi 1628 yuunɛ la puan.

Tiŋa wa, yuum mɛ la ko'om puan, nyaa pa'asɛ nɛresaala tuuma Islands.

Nan Madol yu'urɛ wa vuurɛ de la " sɛla n boi tiŋasuka" gee me dɛna la zi'an ti ba bisera gee tɔgera lɔgeseto woo n sagum. Yu'urɛ la yuun pɔsɛ dɛna la Soun[10] Nan-leng( tinsuŋan tasi), Gene Ashby gɔŋɔ pohnpei, ti a yi'ira ti 'An Island Argosy.[11] ba ni yi'ira di ti "dunia tinkiresi sɛka n pa'asɛ bunii" bii "Venice of the pasific" la. [12]

Nan-Madol yuun de la gɔmena na'am lɛka zi'an bɔna la Saudeleur Dynasty sɛka n tari nɛreba kãlɛ n de 25,000 tara bala ta paɛ wuu 1628.[3] yuun yelege Pohnpei ko'om nuuren la Temwen ko'om nuuren, la yuun de la zi'a ti nɛreba tuna tuuma bini ze'ele 'first or second century AD' pɔsega la puan. Dɛna wuu 8th or 9th century, islet mia yuun pi'ilum 1180-1200 AD. [13] .#WHD